This WIGUP confidentiality policy covers the use of the personal information you transmit to us.

Definition of personal information

By “personal information,” we mean any information about the identity of a person, even if it is general information (user name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, etc.).

We pledge to respect the confidential nature of that information in compliance with provisions of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (2000, c. 5) (“the Act”) and in the application of the right to privacy.

  • The data we collect
  • How do we use, disclose and store the information we collect?
  • Limit of information collection
  • Security
  • Access to information and objection to the collection and retention of information
  • Retention of personal information
  • Contact
  • A last word for parents
  • Effective date and modifications

1. The data we collect

During registration

During registration, we collect the following data directly from eligible members:

  1. For members who are teachers: their complete name, date of birth, province of residence, the school(s) where they teach, their WIGUP user name or nickname and the corresponding WIGUP password.
  2. For members who are students, we ask parents or legal guardians to send us the following data:
    • Complete name, valid e-mail address and password of the parent or legal guardian;
    • The student’s complete name, date of birth, province of residence, the school the student attends, the student’s WIGUP user name or nickname and the corresponding WIGUP password.

The parent or legal guardian’s e-mail address is associated with the student-user’s name on the WIGUP account. We use that e-mail address to send a message that the parent or legal guardian must use to activate the WIGUP account and for any other purpose described in our Confidentiality Policy and under other WIGUP Conditions headings. This must be completed before the student-user is authorized to use the various WIGUP services, tools and functions and to participate in site activities.

A form intended for the parent or legal guardian describing the WIGUP Video Captures of the WIGUP applications program (defined in our WIGUP Site Presentation and Conditions) will be sent as an attachment to the above-mentioned e-mail message (hereinafter “Parental Form”).

After registration

We retain the personal information for the duration of the WIGUP membership for the purposes described in WIGUP Conditions.

Contribution to the content

The WIGUP applications and game program do not acquire any disclosure or communication of WIGUP member telephone number, address, photograph, name or school.

It is important to repeat that only WIGUP community members have access to WIGUP Video Captures.

If the WIGUP member is a minor, the parent or legal guardian who refuses the member’s appearance in WIGUP Video Captures must inform us of that refusal at the time of activating the WIGUP account. To do that, the parent or legal guardian must indicate in which WIGUP Video Captures he or she refuses to allow the member’s participation and then return that form thus completed to us by e-mail or fax within thirty (30) days. If we do not receive that document by the above-mentioned deadline, the parent or legal guardian will have been deemed to agree irrevocably to the minor’s on-camera participation in all WIGUP Video Captures without restriction or exclusion (hereinafter “Authorized WIGUP Video Captures”). sur

We will inform the parent or legal guardian of the addition of any new WIGUP Video Capture project to the WIGUP applications and game program. To that effect, we will e-mail the parent or legal guardian a description of that new project.

2. How do we use, disclose and store the information we collect?

The personal information we collect is only used for the purposes and usages for which it was collected, unless the person does not consent or the Act does not allow it. In some cases, we may use the e-mail address and name of a WIGUP community member without the concerned person’s consent. Such cases include, without restriction or limitation, to the use of such data:

  • So we can be sure that WIGUP community members respect WIGUP Conditions;
  • To prevent a member from temporarily or permanently accessing WIGUP if that member behaves inappropriately on the site;
  • If the WIGUP member is a minor, to allow the parent or legal guardian to verify personal data that the minor has transmitted on WIGUP;
  • To review and respond to member, parent and legal guardian requests, comments or concerns about any issue concerning the WIGUP site, including WIGUP Conditions;
  • To respond to a requirement of the Act: for example, in response to a summons, mandate or order of a court, person or organization with the jurisdiction to constrain the production of personal information or for us to be in compliance with the stipulations of a court related to the production of such information;
  • À For purposes of internal verification by WIGUP Corp. representatives or employees;
  • To facilitate an investigation on public safety or the protection of WIGUP community members or to protect the security of this site.

If we sell WIGUP or transfer the assets in a merger, transfer of activities or other process, we may transfer the personal information to third parties concerned with those transactions subject to the respective third party ratification of a confidentiality agreement. Furthermore, transfer of such information will be subject to compliance with the usage conditions set out in this document.

3. Limits of information collection

We do not allow third parties to solicit WIGUP community members or to advertise to them. Our intention is to ensure that WIGUP remains protected from that kind of direct advertising.

4. Security

The security of the personal information we have collected from WIGUP community members is important to us. We have taken the necessary measures to protect that personal information against theft and unauthorized access, communication and modification.

However, WIGUP members must be aware that other site members may read, collect or use the personal data they transmit by using WIGUP services and tools (messaging, blog and forum, for example, without this list being exhaustive). We are not responsible for the disclosure or communication of the personal data thus transmitted.

5. Access to information and objection to the collection and retention of information

The person responsible for our Confidentiality Policy is:

Email :

Phone: (613) 742-8499

Postal address: 375-A St-Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa, Ontario K1K 2Z7 Canada

For any enquiry about this policy, our personal information management practices or even accessing their own personal information, WIGUP members must contact that person at the above-mentioned address or numbers.

Any WIGUP member and, if a minor, the member’s parent or legal guardian, to whom we grant access to his or her personal information, may:

  • request a correction of the personal information we hold on that member and which, according to the person making the request, is erroneous or incomplete;
  • require, if applicable, that there is a mention of the corrections that were requested but not made;
  • require that any person or organization to which that information has been communicated to be used for administrative purposes within the two years before the request for correction or mention of unmade corrections is notified of the correction or mention;
  • require that the organization, if it is a federal institution, make the correction or add the mention to any copy of the organization’s documents containing that personal information.

Refusal of access to personal information

The Act allows us to refuse access to personal information when that information:

  • is protected by the lawyer-client privilege;
  • is part of an investigation file, the disclosure of which would likely risk the damaging of activities intended to comply with federal or provincial laws or the conduct of investigations;
  • could threaten the security of individuals if it were disclosed.

6. Retention of personal information

We retain the personal information we collect in a manner that permits its access to the person to which that information refers, to meet a requirement of the Act and for any other purpose described in this document and other WIGUP Conditions sections for the required duration that regulation prescribes.

  1. Contact



375-A St-Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa (Ontario) K1K 2Z7 Canada

8. A last word for parents

We encourage the parents and legal guardians of WIGUP community minor members to visit WIGUP and read Usage Rules, Netiquette and other WIGUP Conditions sections with them.

9. Effective date and modifications

The above confidentiality policy goes into effect on October 28, 2010. We reserve the right to modify it at our sole discretion. WIGUP members, including the parents and legal guardians of WIGUP community minor members, will be informed of those modifications through updates or a new confidentiality policy that we will post on WIGUP clearly indicating the effective date of each modification or new policy. That date will not be prior to the one posted online.

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